Bleeding gums refer to the condition where the gums start to bleed, often during activities such as brushing, flossing, or eating. It is a common symptom of underlying dental or systemic health issues.

Causes of Bleeding Gums:
  • Trauma
  • Plaque accumulation
  • Improper flossing
  • Vit. C or Vit. K deficiency
  • Ill-fitting denture
  • Orthodontic treatment
  • Hormonal changes
  • Bleeding disorders
  • Increased stress
  • Smoking
How To Prevent Bleeding Gums
  • Keep your mouth healthy by brushing and flossing regularly to get rid of the sticky film of bacteria called plaque
  • Incorrect brushing and flossing techniques might also result in gum bleeding. Brushing procedures prescribed by the dentist must be followed to ensure excellent dental health.
  • To aid in the fight against inflammation, use hydrogen peroxide mouthwash.
  • To avoid stimulating the irritated gums, brush with a soft bristle toothbrush.
  • Consuming vitamin C-rich foods will help you to prevent bleeding.
  • Stop smoking and make an effort to control any increased stress through lifestyle modifications.
  • Massages can be aided by using Oral Irrigation devices on a low setting.
  • Direct cold compression pressure applied to the bleeding gums may provide clinical relief.
  • It is essential to seek advice from your doctor, if you are using blood thinners like Aspirin, since they have the potential to induce bleeding.

If the bleeding gums last for more than a week, you should visit a dentist. By systematically considering all the factors, a dentist can identify the underlying cause of oral bleeding and develop an appropriate treatment plan for the patient’s specific needs.

Dr. Chandana Annyam (BDS)

Published on- 20 Nov 2023

This article is intended to promote understanding of and knowledge about general oral health/ treatment topics. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your dentist or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment.