Maintaining good oral hygiene is a cornerstone of overall health, and dental scaling is a crucial component. While regular brushing and flossing are essential, a deeper level of cleaning is necessary twice a year to keep your smile radiant and your teeth strong.

Plaque is a soft, sticky film that forms on your teeth. It's a mixture of bacteria, saliva, and leftover bits of food. When you eat or drink, especially if it involves sugary or starchy foods, the bacteria in your mouth feast on these particles. It hardens to form calculus.

Scaling is one of the most common dental procedures that is carried out at the dental clinics. It is the removal of plaque and/or calculus (tartar) from between and around the teeth. It also extends below the line that separates the gum from the visible part of tooth (called as gum line) in order to treat and prevent gum diseases.

Purpose of scaling:
  • To remove any plaque or calculus from areas where a toothbrush cannot reach
  • To prevent gum disease
  • To prevent pocket formation (pockets form when continuous plaque buildup causes the gums to loosen its tight contact with the tooth that favours more plaque to deposit). The deeper the pocket, the worse is the gum disease
Types of scaling:


It refers to scaling done by use of hand- controlled metal instruments. This technique scrapes off the calculus and plaque deposits from below the gum line. Proper and controlled strokes are needed to detach the deposits from the tooth surface.


It refers to scaling that is done by a mechanical ultrasonic instrument with a vibrating tip made up of metal. The tip breaks down the calculus deposits. It also has a continuous water spray that prevents heat buildup due to friction and also helps to clear out the pocket by its flushing action.


Removal of Plaque and Calculus:

Dental scaling is primarily aimed at removing plaque and calculus – the invisible invaders that build up on our teeth over time. Plaque is a soft, sticky film of bacteria that forms on teeth, and when it's not adequately removed, it hardens into calculus. Calculus is a stubborn deposit that can't be eliminated through regular brushing and flossing alone

Maintaining Gum Health:

When plaque and calculus accumulate along the gumline, they can lead to inflammation and irritation. Dental scaling is instrumental in preventing and treating gum disease by removing these deposits, which, if left untreated, can cause more severe conditions such as gingivitis and periodontitis.

Halting the Progression of Periodontal Disease:

Periodontal disease, the inflammation of the supporting structures of the teeth, can be a silent threat. Dental scaling is a proactive measure to stop the progression of gum disease. By removing the accumulated plaque and calculus, scaling helps prevent the development of more advanced stages which leads to tooth loss.

Vanishing Bad Odours

One often overlooked benefit of dental scaling is its positive impact on breath freshness. The bacteria in plaque and calculus can contribute to bad breath. By removing these deposits, scaling helps maintain a cleaner and fresher breath, enhancing your overall oral hygiene.

Brightening Your Smile:

When plaque and calculus accumulate along the gumline, they can lead to inflammation and irritation. Dental scaling is instrumental in preventing and treating gum disease by removing these deposits, which, if left untreated, can cause more severe conditions such as gingivitis and periodontitis.

Dr. Chandana Annyam (BDS)

Published on - 20 Nov 2023

This article is intended to promote understanding of and knowledge about general oral health/ treatment topics. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your dentist or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment.